Nevada Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

Nevada Fatal Pedestrian Accidents

Did you know that the fatal crash rates have significantly declined over the past 40 years? In fact, the rates of drunk driving and speeding are also on their way down, and many states are working towards zero preventable traffic deaths. With that being said, it must be noted that pedestrian deaths across the country have remained stubbornly high, and that includes in Nebraska.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, traffic fatalities across the state increased in 2015: speed- and drunk driving – related deaths increased, unhelmeted motorcycle rider deaths increased, the number of vehicle passengers who died without a seatbelt increased, as did the number of bicyclists and pedestrians who died in traffic accidents.

In fact, after reaching a low of 36 pedestrian fatalities in 2010, these deaths increased to reach 71 deaths in 2014, and 66 in 2015.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reports that separation of pedestrians and motor vehicles increases safety, including the use of –

  • refuge islands
  • underpasses
  • overpasses
  • traffic barriers
  • sidewalks

Along with reducing speed limits in areas where motor vehicles and walkers and joggers interact, state officials should consider additional safety measures such as-

  • Improved lighting and illumination
  • Crosswalk beacons that alert drivers to pedestrian activity
  • Improved intersection traffic signal timing

Vehicle manufacturers are also working to improve road safety through better designs, and the inclusion of crash avoidance technologies that warn drivers if they are approaching a hazard, and may even automatically engage the braking system to stop the vehicle prior to impact. As useful as these technologies seem to be, exactly how effective they are still yet unknown.

While technologies and road safety improvements will certainly help reduce the deaths of the most vulnerable, drivers have responsibilities too. It can’t be said enough that you should not speed, or drive a vehicle after drinking or taking drugs and that you should always be focused on the road ahead and what’s going on around your vehicle and resist distractions that reduce your focus.

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