New Hampshire Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

New Hampshire Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

New Hampshire reported six traffic fatalities due to large trucks and buses in 2015, which was half of the number from 2014. This information is from a report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). The deaths came as a result of six accidents involving six large vehicles.

Two of the accidents involved one vehicle while the other four had multiple vehicles involved. According to nationwide statistics, the majority of these crashes consist of two vehicles.

New Hampshire has a fatality rate of 4.51 per one million persons for 2015. This is much less than the national average of 11.19. It is consistent with the rate from 2010, which was 4.56. The state reported the same number of fatal accidents for the two periods and a slight decrease in population.

A bus is considered to be any vehicle that provides transportation for at least eight passengers along with the driver. It may include school buses, intercity, and transport buses as well as van-buses. The majority of buses involved in accidents are intercity and transit buses with school buses coming in third for 2015.

The majority of large-vehicle accidents occur during daylight hours on weekdays. Sixty percent occur on rural roads with very few happening in intersections or work zones. Most happen in clear weather on dry pavement.

Only two counties in New Hampshire reported fatalities in 2015. Rockingham and Merrimack counties are located in the southern portion of the state. Merrimack County reported two fatalities for the year, which was an increase from zero in 2014. Rockingham County had four deaths, which was an increase from one in 2014 and in 2013. A northern county, Belknap, has reported zero fatalities from the past three years. Coos and Grafton counties went from one fatality to zero for 2015.

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