New Hampshire Fatal Truck Accident Statistics
New Hampshire reported 114 fatalities on the road for 2015, which is up from the 95 reported in 2014. However, the number is down from 2013, which recorded 135 deaths, but up from the 90 reported in 2011 and the 108 reported in 2012. Overall, New Hampshire has fared better than the country as a whole with a ratio of 8.57 deaths per 100,000 population as opposed to the US average of 10.92.
Truck fatalities have remained relatively the same since 2011 with only minor fluctuations. For instance, utility trucks, which were involved in the majority of truck related deaths reported 12 for 2015 and 11 for 2011. The high point came in 2013 when there were 14.
Pickup trucks were involved in the second highest number of truck related fatalities with 10 in 2015 and 9 in 2011. The high point for this category also came in 2013 with 15. Van-related fatalities are also low with four in 2011 and three in 2015. The low point was in 2012 when only one was reported. Deaths involving large trucks were at zero for 2015, which was down from two for the prior year and one for 2011 and 2013.
Only two counties reported fatalities involving large trucks for 2015. These counties were Rockingham and Merrimack, and both had five or fewer deaths. On the other hand, only one county reported zero light truck fatalities for the same time period, and that was Cheshire County. The county with the highest number of light truck involved deaths was right next door with Hillsborough. All other counties within the state had between one and five deaths related to light trucks, which includes vans and SUVs. Hillsborough reported between six and 15 for the year. However, the total number of fatalities in all categories for this county is down from the previous year.