New Jersey Fatal Bicycle Accident Statistics
There are hundreds of bicycle accident fatalities across the United States each year. In New Jersey, there has been a slight rise in more recent years in fatal bicycle accidents.
Recent Bicycle Accident Statistics for the Period of 2014-2016
The New Jersey State Police keep track of all traffic deaths, and they have a record of the traffic fatalities that occur each year as a result of bicycle accidents. There were eleven pedal cyclist deaths in the year 2014, while this number climbed up to seventeen in 2015 and eighteen in 2016. When compared with 556 total fatalities in 2014, this statistic rose in 2016 to 603.
Bicycle Accident Fatalities in 2017
As of August 22, 2017, there have been 356 total traffic fatalities in the state. The statistics for bicycle fatalities alone show that there have been eight pedal cyclist fatalities in this state so far through August 22, 2017. At this exact time in August in 2016, there were six deaths, and then there were eight back in August of 2015.
Safety Programs to Reduce Cyclist Deaths
The state has been working hard to create programs and campaigns to reduce traffic deaths in the state. These programs were created by the New Jersey Department of Transportation. Nationally recognized for its efforts, the state has multiple safety programs that it has launched to accomplish these goals.
Complete Streets Policy
The Complete Streets Policy was passed in 2009 by the NJ Department of Transportation. The goal of this policy is to make sure that bicyclists (along with pedestrians and transit users) have safe access when using New Jersey’s transportation network. This program involves restructuring and building new public rights of way through planning, construction, maintenance, design, and operation with an eye towards making these structures more accessible and safer for pedestrians, cyclists, and users of public transit.
Bicycle Tour Guides and Bike Clubs
This state provides specialized tour guides available online for cyclists with planned out routes to promote safety. Currently, there are over 25 tour guides for cyclists to choose from. The guides include a variety of different routes, so there are options for every skill level. These range from a fifteen-mile bike route along the Raritan River to a 238-mile-High Point Cape May route. The tour guides are accessible online on desktop computers and are also available on smart phones and mobile devices. The guides are compatible with navigation devices, such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
In addition to these guides, there is also a list available of various bike clubs that have options for cyclists of all ages and skill levels. The contact information for these bike clubs is available on the NJ Department of Transportation official website.
The Future of Cyclist Safety
With several policies and programs in place designed to protect cyclists, this state is making a major effort to reduce bicycle-related traffic deaths. With fatalities rising slightly within the last few years, these efforts are needed to reverse this trend.