New Mexico Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

New Mexico Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

New Mexico reported a total of 298 fatal traffic accidents in 2015, which is a decrease from previous years, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). In fact, 2015 saw the lowest number of fatalities in ten years.

On the other hand, New Mexico has a higher number of fatalities per 100,000 population than the national average. The US average is 10.92 while New Mexico’s is 14.29, a difference of over three points. Truck accidents with fatalities are decreasing as compared to prior years.

Pickup truck-related fatalities have dropped from 63 in 2011 to 50 in 2015 with fluctuations in the years between. Similar stats are seen with utility trucks. There were 50 fatalities with utility trucks involved in 2011, but that number dropped to 45 in 2015. This trend is most dramatically seen with vans where there were 18 deaths in 2011 and only 5 in 2015. However, the year prior saw 20 fatalities. Large truck-related deaths were the same in 2011 and 2015 with 12, but the high point came in 2014 with 17.

Most large truck fatalities occurred in Bernalillo County, Lea County, and Quay County with five apiece. Lea County saw a large decrease from the prior year which had 15 and made up the large increase statewide.

The majority of traffic fatalities involving a light truck happened in Bernalillo County with 17, which was an increase from prior years. In second place is McKinley County with 13, which was actually a decrease from the year prior. Other counties stayed relatively the same, except for San Juan County, which cut their truck fatalities in half from 10 for 2014 to five for 2015.

If you or a loved one have been a victim of a fatal traffic accident, you may need to contact an attorney for legal advice.

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