New York Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

New York Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

New York reported 113 fatal crashes involving large trucks and buses for 2015. This number is up significantly from the previous year which reported 91, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). There were 126 deaths resulting from these crashes, also up from the 98 of the prior year. A total of 117 large vehicles were involved.

About one-third of the crashes involved just one vehicle with 36, while 77 had multiple vehicles. Nationwide statistics show that most crashes involving big rigs and buses are two-vehicle accidents.

New York is well below the national average fatality rate per one million persons. The US rate is 11.19 while New York is at 5.71. This number is consistent with 2010, which had 5.73. Fatality rates have gone down throughout the US since the 1970s. In 1975, the fatality rate per one million miles traveled was 5.75, which has since decreased to 1.77 in 2014. This decline had occurred in spite of the fact that more buses are on the road now than in 1975 when just over 462,000 buses were registered. In 2014, that number was just above 872,000.

A bus may be defined as any vehicle that provides transportation to eight or more passengers, in addition to the driver. This includes van-buses as well as intercity buses, transport buses and school buses.

Over half of the counties in New York reported at least one fatality, but most of them had five or fewer. The exception was with the counties in the southern tip of the state. Suffolk County reported 12 fatalities for the year, which was an increase from seven for 2014. Queens County had nine for the year while Nassau County had six which was also a decrease from the prior year.

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