Because each state defines its traffic laws, it is easy to run into different restrictions as you cross state lines. To make it easy to follow the law no matter where you are, we have created lists of the rules you need to know for each state. Below are the nine rules you know if you are driving in Missouri.
Alabama drivers should be aware of 12 key traffic safety laws that include when teens can begin driving, child seat safety, mature driver laws, drunk- and drugged- driving laws, as well as helmet laws and child safety laws.
Nearly 770 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2014 in Arizona. To help make state highways and roadways safer for all who use them, Arizona has 13 key traffic safety laws that you should be aware of.
Each state defines its traffic safety rules, which can make it confusing when you traveling. For example, in some states it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle without helmet, but in others, only passengers under a certain age must be helmeted.
Because every state establishes its own driving laws, you may not be familiar with some key traffic safety rules that include drunk driving penalties, helmet and seat belt laws, and rules for mature drivers.