While wearing a seatbelt is the law, many drivers and passengers fail to do so. They may complain that it’s too restricting or uncomfortable. However, statistics show that seatbelts do save lives. Here are five ways it can keep you safe...
The traffic light turns green, and you step on the gas pedal. As you get in the median, a car from another direction comes out of nowhere and hits your car right on the driver’s side. This type of collision is known as a side-impact or T-bone accident...
Wearing a seatbelt is the law, but some people fail to abide by the law when they drive or ride with others. While this may be your personal choice, you should be aware of the consequences of this decision...
Making a left turn is one of the most dangerous tasks for a driver. You must be able to decide when it is safe to turn into oncoming traffic without being hit. At the same time, you may worry about being rear-ended by the vehicles behind you. There’s also the concern that you may have difficulty turning if the light should change before you have moved out of the...
Running a red light is one of the most common reasons for receiving a traffic ticket. In fact, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) did a study where they discovered that when a red light camera is not in use, the rate of vehicles running a red light was 3.2 per hour...
Accidents in parking lots happen all of the time. You’re backing out, and you don’t see another vehicle driving by until you pull out in front of them and hit their front end. Or perhaps you’re driving towards the parking lot exit, and another vehicle fails to stop and hits the side of your car...
You get your mail one day, and you see all of these bills for medical treatment from a recent car accident injury. There’s the bill for the ambulance service, one for the emergency room and hospital stay, plus a bill from the anesthesiologist. You know more bills are coming because you’ve also had physical therapy and in-home health services as you’ve been recovering from the accident...