North Dakota Truck Fatal Accident Statistics

North Dakota Truck Fatal Accident Statistics

North Dakota remains above the US average for the number of vehicle-related fatalities per 100,000 population, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). However, the number is continuing to decline from its high point in 2012.

Following this trend, truck-related fatalities have also decreased over recent years. The one exception is with large trucks, which have seen an increase. In 2011, there were five fatalities involving a large truck while in 2015, there were eight. However, this number is much lower than in 2013, which had 20 fatalities.

Fatalities involving a van are at their lowest with only one death in 2015 as opposed to the five in 2011. The high point came in 2012 when there were 12 fatalities. Since then, the numbers have continued to decline.

Utility truck-related fatalities have remained steady with a dramatic drop from 2014 to 2015. In 2014, 27 fatalities were reported while 2015 had 18. Deaths involving a pickup truck have declined slightly from 2011 with 47 to 2015 with 45. The high point came in 2012 with 53 while the low point was in 2014 with 33.

Mckenzie and Williams counties had the most fatalities involving a large truck with 11 each in 2015. For Mckenzie County, this was a drop from the last two years, which had 17 and 18 for 2013 and 2014 respectively. On the other hand, 2015 had the highest number for the same period.

Mckenzie and Williams counties were also at the top of the list for fatalities involving a light truck. Mckenzie County has held steady from 2011 to 2015 with 14 being reported in the most recent year. Williams County reported nine fatalities, which is down dramatically from 2013 with 16. However, it is an increase over the three deaths in 2011. The majority of counties in North Dakota report three or fewer fatalities each year.

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