Ohio Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Ohio Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Ohio reported 1110 total traffic fatalities in 2015, which was a slight increase over the previous year. However, the number was lower than the total reported in 2006 and 2007, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Ohio comes in with a lower rate of fatalities per 100,000 population than the national average, which is 10.92 as opposed to Ohio at 9.56.

Truck fatalities have varied quite a bit based on which category of truck is involved. For example, large trucks have been involved in 28 fatalities in 2015, which is up from 19 in 2011. However, the increase from 2014 when there were 14 deaths is even more dramatic.

Van-related deaths have increased from 47 in 2011 to 58 in 2015. The years in between fluctuated from high numbers to low. The same can be said for the number of utility truck-related deaths. The number recorded in 2011 was 112 while 2015 saw 130, which is the same as for 2014.

Pickup trucks have the second highest number of fatalities in the truck category with 102 in 2011 and 104 in 2015. The highest year was in 2012 with 130 while the lowest year was 2014 with 89.

Wood and Mahoning counties had the most large truck-related deaths with nine for 2015, which was an increase for both counties. Franklin County recorded the most light truck fatalities with 22, which was up significantly from previous years. In second place was Cuyahoga County with 17, which was also an increase. Montgomery County came in third with 11, which was almost double what had been recorded for 2014. Several counties did show a decline with a few dropping to zero. Others recorded two or fewer deaths. A few other counties showed increases from 2014 or prior years.

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