Oklahoma Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

Oklahoma Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

There were 106 fatalities reported in Oklahoma in 2015 as a result of 97 large vehicle crashes. This number is down significantly from the 134 reported in 2014, which resulted from 109 crashes. This information comes from a report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). A total of 109 large vehicles were involved in these crashes. Only 19 of them were single-vehicle accidents. According to research, most fatal accidents involving large trucks and buses are two-vehicle accidents.

Oklahoma has a rate of 24.80, which is well above the national average of 11.19. It is up slightly from the 23.19 recorded for 2010. While the population has increased slightly, the number of fatal accidents has also increased for this period. This is in direct contrast to the national rate of fatalities for million miles driven. In 1975, there were approximately 462,000 buses registered. That number almost doubled to 872,000 in 2014. However, the rate dropped from 5.75 to 1.77 for the same period.

According to national statistics, most accidents involving large vehicles happen during weekdays in clear weather and on dry pavement. Almost none occur in work zones. The majority of them happen on rural roads with the large vehicle traveling between 50 and 55 mph.

The majority of counties in Oklahoma report at least one fatality for 2015 involving a large vehicle. However, the majority of them had five or fewer deaths. Only two counties in the central part of the state exceeded that number. Grady County was one with seven deaths for the year, the exact same number as in 2014 and an increase from 5 for 2013 and 4 for 2012. Oklahoma also had seven deaths, but this number was down from the nine reported in 2014 and the 11 recorded in 2013.

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