Pennsylvania Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Pennsylvania Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

The state of Pennsylvania reported 1200 traffic deaths for the year 2015, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Overall, the state’s rate per 100,000 population is 9.37, which is below the national average of 10.92. Out of the total fatalities, 178 were motorcycle-related deaths or 15 percent. This number is down slightly from the past 10 years of reporting. In 2014, there were 185 reported. The high point was in 2008 with 239.

Pennsylvania has a state helmet law requiring all riders 20 years and younger to wear a helmet or anyone who has had a motorcycle license for two years or less unless they have taken an approved safety course. Approximately half of the fatal accident victims wear not wearing a helmet in the accidents. For 2015, there was a 49 percent usage rate, which is up slightly from the 43 percent in 2014. A total of 52 lives were saved by wearing helmets, and it is estimated that another 33 lives could have been saved with 100 percent usage.

The difference in death totals for those under the age of 20 and those in other age ranges is significant. A total of 10 deaths in 2015 were in the under 20 age group while the highest age group for fatalities was in the 50-59 group with 44. The group with the second highest death toll was 20-29 with 36 fatalities followed by 30-39 with 33 deaths.

Most of the counties in Pennsylvania reported at least one motorcycle death while several had more than six for 2015. The area with the highest death tolls was in the southeast portion of the state. Counties in the south-central portion also had a few higher numbers as well, such as Alleghany and Westmoreland counties with six each for the year.

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