Quick Facts about Missouri’s Graduated Driver’s License Program

Quick Facts about Missouri’s Graduated Driver’s License Program

The number of novice drivers involved in fatal crashes has decreased greatly over a ten-year span, falling from 239 in 2005 to 94 in 2014. At least some of this improvement is due to the state’s implementation of the GDL, which gives you extra time to develop defensive driving skills and a better understanding of the safety obligations that are shared among all road users.

The GDL has three phases, each with specific rules and restrictions. You begin the first phase when you apply for your learner’s permit at the age of 15 and pass a vision, road knowledge, and written test.

Missouri permit rules require –

  • You only drive while being supervised by a parent, a certified driving instructor, or an experienced driver over the age of 25 with parental permission.
  • You to accumulate at least 10 hours of night driving plus 30 hours of additional driving experience.

After having the permit for six months or more and fulfilling the operator requirements of the permit, you will start the second phase of the GDL by applying for your intermediate, restricted license.

The rules you must follow to get your intermediate license require-

  • You pass a driving test
  • You have no alcohol related offense during the prior 12 months
  • You have no traffic convictions during the prior six months

You are banned from the following while you have a restricted license –

  • Driving at night from 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. unless you are supervised or going to or from work, school event, or an emergency.
  • Have more than one passenger under 19 years old for the first six months
  • Having more than three passengers under age 19 (after the first six months)
  • Driving without wearing your seatbelt, or permitting your passengers to ride without buckling up.

You are eligible for full privileges at age 18 if –

  • you pass the vision test
  • your intermediate license was not suspended or revoked
  • you have not had an alcohol-related conviction for the 12 months’ prior

Warning for New Drivers

Missouri has specific consequences for vehicle operators under the age of 21 who use or possess alcohol or drugs.

In fact, if you are under 21 and commit any of the following offenses, your license will be suspended or revoked –

  • Operating a vehicle with blood alcohol concentration of .02 or higher
  • Possessing alcohol or drugs
  • Using alcohol or drugs
  • Transporting alcohol or drugs
  • Modifying, altering or misrepresenting a driver’s license
  • Attempting to buy or buying alcohol

Any driver who has their permit or restricted license suspended or revoked will not be eligible for full licensure.

Under primary enforcement laws, drivers under age 21 are banned from texting while driving.

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