Rhode Island Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Rhode Island Fatal Truck Accident Statistics

Even though Rhode Island is the smallest state by square miles in the country, it has a large population concentration. However, it also has a low ratio of traffic fatalities per 100,000 population as compared with the national average. Rhode Island has a ratio of 4.26 per 100,000 whereas the US average is 10.92.

Traffic deaths involving trucks have remained consistent from 2011 to 2015 with some fluctuations in the years between. For example, utility trucks are involved in the majority of these types of accidents with five in 2015 and three in 2011. However, there was a spike in 2012 of 11 deaths.

A similar occurrence may be noted with pickup trucks. Three deaths were reported in both 2011 and 2015 while 2012 reported eight and 2013 reported four. Van-related deaths have decreased with three in 2011 and one in 2015. This number has stayed the same since 2012, which saw three deaths. One death in both 2014 and 2015 involved a large truck. No deaths involving a large truck occurred the three years prior.

Providence County is the only country to report a large truck fatality for 2015 with one. This number is down from the two reported in 2014 and the three reported in 2013 for the same county.

The three largest counties in geography also reported the most light truck traffic deaths for 2015. This includes Providence, Kent, and Washington counties. Bristol also reported deaths involving light trucks, which includes SUVs and vans. Providence had four, which was an increase over the prior year. Washington County came in second with three fatalities, which was also an increase from 2014. The other two counties reported one fatality for the year. The one county reporting zero was Newport, which was consistent with the previous year for light truck fatalities.

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