Seatbelt Usage in Nevada

Seatbelt Usage in Nevada

Nevada has had a seatbelt law in place since July 1, 1987. However, it is not a primary enforcement state, which means a police officer can only give someone a ticket for a seatbelt violation if they have stopped them for another reason. The law is applicable to anyone age six years or older in any seat.

The fine for a first offense in not obeying the seatbelt law is $25. In addition, the state has a child safety seat law, which requires anyone five years old and younger to be restrained in this type of seat. If the law is broken, the person is subject to a $500 for a first offense.

Nevada has a 91 percent seatbelt usage rate as compared to the national average of 86 percent. The state is only slightly higher for traffic fatalities than the national average at 11.2 versus 10.9. Nevada has maintained a high rate of seatbelt use since 2007 with every year being over 90 percent. The high point was in 2013 with 94.8 percent. The low point was in 2008 with a rate of 90.9 percent.

Nevada is part of the West region, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This region is ranked first for seatbelt use with a rate of 95.0 percent. It far outranks second place, the South region, at 89.2 percent.

The state has a large metropolitan area in Las Vegas. Nationally, drivers in urban areas are more likely to buckle up than people in rural communities. In addition, more people wear seatbelts during rush hours than during non-rush hours. The highest rate of use is on the weekends at 89.7 percent. Also, more people take the time to put on a seatbelt in foggy conditions than on clear weather or when there is light precipitation.

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