Running a stop sign is a serious traffic violation that can result in an accident. Side-impact or T-bone collisions often result from a driver who runs a stop sign. This violation may also be an indication of driver impairment, such as driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
The penalties for this traffic violation can be quite steep. Every state has its own law regarding running stop signs, but penalties range from $100 on the low end to over $300. In addition, you may receive points on your driver’s license. In Alaska, you may have as many as six points added to your license. In Utah, the fine can be as much as $1,000.
If you get too many points on your license, you could have it suspended. You’re also likely to see your car insurance rates go up because you’re seen as a higher risk.
If paying a hefty fine isn’t enough to scare you away from running through a stop sign or stop light, think about what happens if there is a collision. You’ll almost always be automatically at fault in an accident because you broke a traffic law.
If you are the victim of someone running a stop sign and a resulting accident, you have the right to seek compensation for your injuries. An injury in this kind of situation may be severe even if you weren’t driving at a high speed. A side collision, which is what most often occurs with someone who runs a stop sign, is often a major accident. There is less protection surrounding the person than if they were hit on the front or rear of the vehicle.
A person may suffer a traumatic head injury, spinal cord injury, broken bones, dislocated or severed limbs and many other injuries because someone ran a stop sign. Medical expenses mount up as you are recovering. You may have to pay for a hospital stay and surgery as well as in-home care while you are healing.
While a case involving a driver who ran a stop sign may seem simple, it can be quite complicated. If multiple vehicles were involved, it can be difficult to determine fault. It will be important to talk to witnesses and review the evidence. For this reason, you need to hire an attorney who can represent you and fight for the maximum settlement you are entitled to for your injury.