Texas Motorcycle Fatality Statistics
Texas reported 443 motorcycle deaths for the year 2015, which was similar to the past several years. The low point for the past decade came in 2006 when there were 353, almost 100 fewer. The high point was in 2008 with 524. This information comes from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
For 2015, 201 victims were wearing a helmet at the time of the crash. Another 231 did not have on a helmet while 11 were unknown. Texas has a helmet law which requires riders age 20 and younger to wear a helmet. Anyone over the age of 20 may be exempt from wearing one if they can show proof of medical insurance coverage or evidence of a motorcycle safety course.
In 2015, Texas had a helmet usage rate of 47 percent, which saved 122 lives. Another 88 lives might have been saved if the rate went up to 100 percent.
Most of the victims in the motorcycle crashes for 2015 were in the 20-29 age range with 118 recorded. The next highest age group was the 30-39 age group with 89. For those under 20 years old, only ten deaths occurred.
There were 445,395 motorcycle registrations in 2014. This number is consistent with the past three years. The fatality rate per 100,000 registrations was 101.3, which is down from the past year.
Around half of the counties in Texas reported at least one motorcycle death for 2015. The highest concentration was in the eastern portion of the state. While most had fewer than six deaths, several reported as many as 15. Two counties had between 16 and 25 while one county reported between 26 and 35. Another county had between 36 and 45 with one county reporting the highest number between 46 and 55. Harris County had 46 deaths for the year, which was down from previous years.