Top 10 Connecticut Traffic Tips for Drivers

Each state defines its traffic safety rules, which can make it confusing when you traveling. For example, in some states it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle without helmet, but in others, only passengers under a certain age must be helmeted.

Top 10 Connecticut Traffic Tips for Drivers

Each state defines its traffic safety rules, which can make it confusing when you traveling. For example, in some states it’s illegal to ride a motorcycle without helmet, but in others, only passengers under a certain age must be helmeted. To make it easy to stay safe on the road no matter where you are driving, we offer a Top 10 traffic rules list for every state including Connecticut.

Cell phone use is banned for drivers under the age of 18 and school bus drivers. Hand-held use of cell phones is banned for all drivers as is texting. These are primary enforcement laws.
Rear facing restraint systems must be used for children less than one-year-old and weighing less than 20 pounds. Children older than one year and weighing up to 60 pounds are to be in a forward-facing car seat. Children aged seven and over who weigh 60 pounds are more can use adult seat belts. The fine for a first offense can be as high as $92.00.
Marijuana is legal for medical use and recreational use has been decriminalized. The state does not have specific drugged-driving laws.
A first offense of drunk driving will suspend your license for 90 days, and ignition interlock devices are mandatory. The penalties for a BAC over .16 are enhanced.
The minimum age to get a permit is 16 and you can get a restricted license within four or six months, depending on if you had driver’s education. You can get an unrestricted license at age 18.
Helmets must be worn by all motorcycle riders under the age of 18, and by bicyclists under the age of 16.
Mature drivers aged 65 and older can renew their license every two or six years (your choice), though you must demonstrate a hardship to renew by mail.
Under primary enforcement laws, seat belts are to be worn by children aged seven years or younger if they are in the front seat. The maximum fine for a first offense for drivers aged 18 years or more is $92, while the fee is enhanced to $120 for drivers under the age of 18.
Connecticut conducts sobriety checkpoints.
When signs and workers are present, all moving traffic violations are enhanced to double the original fine in work zones.

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