Top 10 Kentucky Traffic Laws You Need to Know

According to the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, Kentucky need to implement more of the recommended components to reach optimal traffic safety.

Top 10 Kentucky Traffic Laws You Need to Know

According to the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, Kentucky need to implement more of the recommended components to reach optimal traffic safety. However, these new elements will not mean much to you if you are not already familiar with the legal rules of the road.

Text messaging is banned for all drivers in the state, and cell phone use, in general, is prohibited for novice drivers younger than 18 and school bus drivers. These rules are primary enforced, meaning you can be pulled over for texting or talking on your cell phone, even if you are doing nothing else wrong.
It is illegal to use or possess marijuana in Kentucky. However, the state has yet to define specific laws regarding drug-impaired drivers.
Drunk driving laws require up to 120-day license suspension for a first offense, and the vehicle will be seized. The penalties are enhanced for drivers with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .18 or higher, and ignition interlock devices are mandatory for repeat offenders and those with a BAC of .15 or greater.
Child passengers standing less than 40 inches tall must be a car seat, and those younger than seven who stand between 40 inches and 57 inches must be in a booster seat. Adult seat belts may be used if the child is taller than 57 inches. The fine for failing to secure child passengers is $50 for a child seat and $30 for a booster seat.
Teen drivers can get their learner’s permit at age 16, after which they are required to get at least 60 hours of supervised driving experience. An intermediate, restricted license is available once the driver turns 16-and-a-half, and full privileges are available reaching the age of 17.
Motorcyclists must wear a helmet if they have been licensed for less than a year, or if they are under the age of 21, or if they do not have medical insurance coverage.
It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure all passengers are wearing their seatbelts. The penalty for failing to do so is $25.
The state conducts weekly sobriety checks.
If you speed in a work zone that has signs and workers are present, the penalty is enhanced to double the original fine.
Mature drivers do not have to renew their license more often the standard four-year cycle.

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