Top 13 Indiana Driving Laws You Need to Know

Indiana has adopted many of the recommended traffic safety laws suggested by the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. These laws have helped reduce negative driving behaviors like speeding and drunk driving and drop the number of fatal accidents from a high of 938 in 2005 to a ten-year low of 746.

Top 13 Indiana Driving Laws You Need to Know

Indiana has adopted many of the recommended traffic safety laws suggested by the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety. These laws have helped reduce negative driving behaviors like speeding and drunk driving and drop the number of fatal accidents from a high of 938 in 2005 to a ten-year low of 746.

While the efficacy of these laws is not in question, they have not been uniformly adopted by all states, and knowing the rules in each state is difficult at best. We developed this list of 13 top driving laws to help you drive safely and legally in Indiana.

Under primary enforcement, cell phone use is banned by all drivers under the age of 21 and texting banned for all drivers.
Children under the age of 7 must be secured in approved car seats. You are allowed to place children aged 8 through 15 who weigh more than 40 in adult seat belts. Failing to properly secure child passengers can result in a fine of $25 for a first offense.
Marijuana is illegal to use and possess, and the state has zero tolerance for THC and its metabolites.
Drunk drivers can expect to have their vehicle confiscated and their license suspended for 180 days for a first offense. Penalties are enhanced for drivers with a blood alcohol concentration of .15 or higher.
New drivers must complete a three stage driver’s licensing program that begins at age 15 for those who have completed a driver’s education course and at age 16 for those who have not. Full privileges are given when a driver reaches the age of 18.
Helmets are required for all motorcycle riders under age 18.
Mature drivers aged 70 and over cannot renew their license by mail or electronically. Those individuals who are between age 75 and 84 must renew their license every three years, and drivers 85 and older must renew every two.
Seat belt use is primary enforced so make sure all passengers aged 16 or younger in the front and rear seat wear their safety restraints. The fine for failing to do so up to $25 for a first offense.
Sobriety checkpoints are conducted across the state.
If you speed in a work zone, the enhanced penalty is a $300 fine for a first offense, $500 for a second offense, and $1,000 for a third offense. Workers do not have to be present for the penalty to be enhanced.

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