How Do I Get a Copy of the Crash Report for My Motor Vehicle Accident?

How Do I Get a Copy of the Crash Report for My Motor Vehicle Accident?

When you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Utah, you are required to report the collision to the police if the crash resulted in bodily injury or property damage of at least $1,500. Calling 911 is the quickest and easiest way to fulfill this responsibility. The officer will investigate and file an accident report. However, the officer will not give you a copy of the report at the scene. You must request a copy of your report. There are several ways to obtain your crash report in Utah.

If you don’t want to spend the time tracking down your collision report, our Utah car accident attorneys can do that for you. We understand you may be dealing with financial issues and medical problems because of the accident. The last thing you need is to burden yourself with tracking down a police report. Allow us to do this for you as part of our investigation to help you file an injury claim.

Several Ways to Obtain a Copy of an Accident Report in Utah

Below is an explanation of the ways you can request a collision report for a motor vehicle accident that occurred in Utah.

  • Department of Public Safety — The Utah government has an online portal for obtaining copies of reports. Using this portal is the easiest and quickest way to get your report. After you pay the fee for a report, you can print your report in about 10 minutes. If you are unable to access the report online, you can request a copy in writing using a Government Records Request Form. The completed form and the fee should be mailed to 4501 South 2700 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84129.
  • County Sherriff’s Office or City Police Department— If your report is not available online, you can request a report through the local law enforcement office. Each office may have a slightly different procedure. For example, Utah County has an online system but your county may not. Likewise, Salt Lake City has instructions for obtaining reports on its website. If you need assistance locating your local office, you can search the information on the USACops website or visit your county or city’s website.
  • Your Car Accident Attorney — As mentioned above, our Utah accident attorneys can obtain a copy of the report for you so that you don’t have to worry about how to get a report.

Why Do I Need a Copy of My Report?

If you are filing a liability claim against the other driver or another party, you need a copy of your report as evidence of the collision. While the report may not be considered evidence at a trial, it is proof that the crash occurred for insurance purposes. Many accident claims are settled without going to court. Therefore, the report of the accident can be the item you need to convince an insurance adjuster that it was not your fault and you have a valid claim against the other driver.

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