Utah Fatal Accident Statistics

Utah Fatal Accident Statistics

Most states in the country realized a decrease in traffic accident fatalities, however, Utah bucked that trend and saw an increase from 256 fatalities in 2014 to 276 in 2015. Surprisingly, the fatal accidents involving speeding and drunk driving decreased during the same time period.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that of the total number of traffic deaths in 2015, 174 were occupants of passenger vehicles. Unfortunately, 81 of those people were not wearing their seatbelts at the time of the crash. It’s estimated that seatbelts had saved the lives of 107 people and could have saved 27 more if all occupants wore their restraints when they traveled.

Alcohol-impairment contributed to the deaths of 43 people in 2015, down from a ten-year high of 57 the prior year, but up from a low of 32 people in 2012. Speed was a contributing factor in the deaths of 58 people, which is a significant decrease from the decade high of 112 in 2007, and a decrease from 90 deaths in 2014.

Motorcycle fatalities increased from a ten-year low of 21 in 2010 to 36 in 2015, a decrease from 45 the prior year. Of these riders, 18 were not wearing their helmets. The NHTSA estimates that helmets have saved the lives of 10 riders and could have saved another 7 if all riders wore their helmets every time they traveled.

Pedestrian deaths also increased in our state, jumping from a low of 19 in 2008 to a ten-year high of 46 deaths in 2015. It’s clear safety efforts for walkers, joggers, and people sitting and standing near roadways must be improved. More needs to be done to separate vulnerable road users from motor vehicle traffic dangers.

If you have been injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you need a dedicated team of attorneys and legal professionals fighting for your rights. Our attorneys have a long and proven record of helping the victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today if you or a loved one were injured in a-

  • Commercial bus crashes
  • School bus accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Truck crashes
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Semi-truck crashes

We’ll fight insurance companies, negligent operators, and reckless drivers to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

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