Vermont Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

Vermont Fatal Motorcycle Accident Statistics

For the year 2015, Vermont reported 57 traffic deaths, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). The state has a rate per 100,000 population below the national average of 10.92. The rate was 9.10 for Vermont in 2015. Motorcycle fatalities make up 19 percent of the total with 11. This number is an increase from the two previous years.

Vermont has a state helmet law that requires all riders to wear a helmet regardless of age. All of the victims in motorcycle crashes for 2015 were wearing their helmets at the time of the accident. This is a 100 percent usage for the year, which has saved seven lives. The number is up from prior years when usage was at 86 percent in 2014 and lower in earlier years.

The age range with the most fatalities is those above age 59 with four deaths in 2015. There were two deaths in the 50-59 age group and three in the 40-49 age group. Two people who died were between the ages of 20 and 29. There were no fatalities for people under the age of 20.

Seven counties in Vermont had at least one fatality for the year while seven others reported zero motorcycle-related deaths for 2015. Counties in the northwest reported fatalities as well as those in the southern part of the state. Franklin County reported two deaths, which was an increase from zero for the past two years. Chittenden County reported one, which was down from 2014 while Bennington was up from zero to two deaths. Windham County was also up from zero to two fatalities for the year. Windsor County has been consistent over the past three years with one death per year. Orange County reported two deaths and Rutland reported one with both of them up from zero for the previous year.

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