Virginia Fatal Accident Statistics

Virginia Fatal Accident Statistics

According to data published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), fatal traffic accidents decreased between 2006 and 2015, though the number of people who died in motor vehicle accidents increased 703 deaths in 2014 to 753 in 2015.

Unrestrained passenger vehicle occupant deaths also fell over the ten-year period but jumped from a low of 250 in 2014 to 301 the following year. Unfortunately, the NHTSA estimates that an additional 113 lives could have been saved if all vehicle occupants would wear their restraints every time they traveled.

Alcohol impairment was involved in the deaths of 208 persons in 2015, a significant decrease from the ten-year high of 303 deaths in 2007. Speed-related deaths also decreased over the period, from a high of 341 in 2007 to a low of 99 in 2014, though these types of deaths increased to 104 in 2015.

Of the 1,015 drivers who were involved in these motor vehicle deaths, only 74 were under the age of 21. This may be because the state has a Graduated Driver’s License system, that allows new drivers more time to develop safe and defensive driving skills before they are given an unrestricted license.

While most states across the country saw an increase in pedestrian deaths over the decade, in Virginia, these rates actually decreased. However, 77 walkers and joggers were killed in car crashes in 2015, down from 88 the year prior, but up from the low of 73 in 2010 and 2011.

If you have been injured in a car accident or lost a loved one in a fatal crash, you need a dedicated team of attorneys and legal professionals fighting for your rights. Our attorneys have a long and proven record of helping the victims of car accidents get the compensation they deserve.

Call us today if you or a loved one were injured in a-

  • Commercial bus crashes
  • School bus accidents
  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Bicycle accidents
  • Truck crashes
  • Motorcycle collisions
  • Commercial vehicle accidents
  • Semi-truck crashes

We’ll fight insurance companies, negligent operators, and reckless drivers to get you the maximum compensation you deserve.

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