What You Need to Know About the Hawaii Graduated Driver’s License Program
Like most states in the country, Hawaii has implemented the GDL program as an effective way to reduce the number of fatal traffic accidents involving young drivers. The program requires that any license applicant under the age of 18 complete a certified driver’s education course first.
When you are age 15-and-a-half, you can apply for your learner’s permit. While holding this permit for at least six months, you are to accumulate 50 or more hours of practice driving with ten of those hours being driven at night. When you are driving during the day, you must be supervised by a licensed driver who is 21 or older, however, if you drive between 11 p.m. and 5 a.m., your parent or legal guardian must be occupying the front passenger seat.
At age 16, you are eligible for a provisional license after holding a permit for at least 180 days, if have completed your driver’s education class, and you pass the road test. You have passenger and nighttime driving restrictions that include –
- Not have more than one passengers under the age of 18, unless they reside in your home, or a parent or legal guardian is with you, and
- Not driving after 11 p.m. and before 5 a.m. without your parent or guardian, unless you are traveling to or from work, a school activity, and have a signed statement with you.
To be eligible for your provisional or operational license, you cannot have any type of violation, or pending violation, that could cause your license to be revoked or suspended.
You must hold this license for at least six months and be age 17 before you are eligible for an unrestricted license with full driving privileges. Be aware, no matter when you start the GDL program, your provisional license will expire when you turn 19.