Working in Road – pedestrian is hit while working in road, playing in road
One of the most dangerous places for pedestrians to be in is the road. Whether a pedestrian is working on the road, playing on the road, or standing or walking near their vehicle, they are at risk for a collision. In certain conditions, such as darkness or snowy weather, it can be difficult for drivers to see pedestrians when they are on the road in time to avoid a collision.
Car Collisions with Pedestrians Working on the Road
Many states have laws in place to protect pedestrians who are working on roadways. In construction zones, signs are typically placed to warn the drivers passing through to slow down. Construction zones on the highway often have a special speed limit that is lower than the usual highway speed limit to protect workers on the roadway. The consequences of getting a ticket in a construction zone with workers present include higher fines and stronger penalties.
In recent years, on average, approximately 592 people died in construction or maintenance zones. While not all deaths may have been pedestrians, this is still an alarming statistic. It is important for both employers and drivers to take the necessary precautions to keep pedestrians working on the roadway safe.
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health has made it a goal to build safer highway work zones. They have recommended the following measures to be implemented to help keep pedestrian workers safe on the roads.
- Work zone signs
- Proper lighting
- Barricades to seclude the work zone
- High visibility apparel
- Special training
- Flaggers
- Temporary traffic control devices
Car Collisions Involving Pedestrians Standing or Walking Away from a Vehicle
Getting into one car accident on the roadway can lead to another accident when the driver of a damaged vehicle steps out into the roadway and becomes a pedestrian. Pedestrians are at risk for car accidents when they are walking around their vehicle because they may be too focused on the accident that had just happened and may be distracted and not as aware of oncoming traffic as they should be. Drivers may have to react quickly after an accident has occurred and may not see the pedestrians walking to and from the damaged cars in time to avoid another accident. These situations can be particularly dangerous.
Pedestrians Injured in a Collision While Playing in the Roadway
Another way pedestrians can be injured on the road is when they are playing in the roadway. These accidents generally involve children. Children may play games such as hockey with nets on the street in low traffic areas, not anticipating any vehicles coming through. At the same time, cars traveling through low traffic areas may not notice kids playing in the street until it is too late. Playing on the roadway carries substantial risk, and children may not be aware of how dangerous it could be.
If you have been injured while as a pedestrian while on the roadway for any reason, contact our experienced attorneys to discuss your case. We may be able to get you compensation for your injuries.