Maryland Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

Maryland Fatal Bus Accident Statistics

Maryland reported 57 fatalities for the year 2015 from large trucks and buses. This comes from 47 fatal crashes for the year, which is the same number as the previous year. The number is down from 2012 with 54 and 2013 with 53. A total of 51 large vehicles were involved in these accidents, which is up from 2014 when there were 49. The majority of the accidents involved multiple vehicles, which is common with large vehicles as the majority of incidents are two-vehicle crashes.

A bus is defined as a vehicle used to carry at least eight passengers along with a driver. Examples include school buses, transit and intercity buses and the newer category of van-buses. More buses are on the road today than in the past while fewer accidents occur each year nationwide. In 1975, there were more than 460,000 buses registered, and this number has risen to over 870,000 for 2014. During this same time frame, fatality rates per million miles traveled went down from 5.75 to 1.77.

Maryland has a fatality rate of 7.82 per million people compared to the national average of 11.19. This rate is a slight increase from 2010 with 6.75. This information comes from a report by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).

The majority of bus and big rig accidents occur in daylight on weekdays. They happen on rural roads more often than in intersections and city streets.

Most of the counties in Maryland have reported at least one fatality but fewer than six. There were three exceptions in which six or more people were killed. Hartford County is located in the northern part of the state and reported six fatalities for 2015. Prince George’s County had 11 for the year, which was an increase from 2014. Queen Anne’s County had six, which was up from one the prior year.

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